Lirik Let The Peace Of God Reign-Hillsong Worship
Rabu, 04 September 2019
And That My Soul Knows Very Well
Artis Hillsong Worship
Album Simply Worship II
Penulis Darlene Zschech
Lord, my heart is set on You
Let me run the race of time
With Your life unfolding mine
And let the peace of God
let it reign
Oh Holy Spirit, Lord my comfort
Strengthen me hold my head up high
And I stand upon Your truth
Bringing glory unto You
And let the peace of God, let it reign
Oh Lord, I hunger for more of You
Rise up within me let me know Your truth
Oh Holy Spirit, saturate my soul
And let the life of God, fill me now
Let Your healing power
Breathe life and make me whole
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